an actuary who helps you transfer financial risks with insurance
Riscario Insider blog headlines

I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to the light I have.
— Abraham Lincoln

Never learn to do anything: if you don't learn, you'll always find someone else to do it for you.
— Mark Twain

Thanks for dropping by. My name is pronounced "pro-MODE", which rhymes with implode, explode and — sadly — commode. You can also say "promote", replacing the "t" with a "d".

I've devoted my life making the world better in my own small way. I'm an actuary, advocate and blogger. Here's what those three words mean.


We're surrounded by risk. That's precisely what an actuary measures and manages. I've focused on bringing you peace of mind by taming the financial risks of mortality (dying prematurely), disability (losing income), morbidity (losing health) and longevity (outliving savings). Exciting, huh?


I designed life and health insurance products for 10 years. Next, I spent five years helping advisors sell them. Advisors vary in technical skill and the will to put your interests first. That means buyer beware. Because of my blogging, I kept getting asked for independent advice. I now conduct Actuarial Insurance Reviewsoutlinks.gif through Taxevity.


I was searching for a way to freely share with the world. Blogging provided the mechanism. Starting was scary. Continuing was tough (and still is). I kept shipping and have already written over 500 postsoutlinks.gif. That's over 250,000 words. Some are even worth reading. Here are the blogs.

Marketing Actuary blog headlines

Newest Videos

These days I'm interviewing people who make life better for Tea At Taxevity

You'll find most of my other videos at

The Six Basic Fears (Napoleon Hill, 1937)

In 2012, I plan to create more video. That's the toughest medium for me. I can now do basic editing but still don't feel comfortable on camera. To get started, here's a recording about the six basic fears that Napoleon Hill identified in his 1937 classic, Think And Grow Rich.

You'll find more details in this 2008 blog post. I help you deal with the financial aspects of these fears.

My Story

In this May 2011 video, I explain why I chose to devote my life to insurance and my reasons for using social media. Both aspects may interest you. You may even get ideas (no promises, though).

Here's the reason this video was created.


Here's what I do


To get in touch, visit the contact page. To stay informed, subscribe to my blogs or Twitter channels. To stay in touch, let's connect on LinkedInoutlinks.gif. Thanks again for visiting.

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